Philippine Adventures

Philippine Adventures
Information on what the Philippines are like.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Oh my goodness!!

You will never believe how Jesus has answered my prayer. So last night a friend told me that every 59 days you have tore new my visa. I am not sure why I got a year long visa if I still have renew it every 59 days. Well any ways, I had my friend look at my passport and she notices that when I entered the country, they only stamped it for 21 days. Which meant I was pass due by 15 days. Huge fees!!!! Plus I found out I needed to get tickets for the ferry to the orphanage on Sunday night and we were leaving today. (today is Monday)

I wanted so much to start stressing. Here I was having to figure out tickets and my visa and thing in the Philippines move slowly. But I felt Jesus was saying, "I got ya. Trust me." I have been memorizing Proverbs 3 and verse 5 says to trust God with all my heart and He will
Make my paths straight. It is easier to read about trusting, but harder to put it into practice.

My prayer was that I would not have to pay any late fees. I heard I could pay up to 9,000 Passos ($215) in late fees. Wow!!! After getting tickets for the ferry, off to the immigration. They though were on lunch break. I had to waited 30min. I explained the situation . He didn't know an sent me to some one. He said that I needed to go back to the airport to get them to change the 21days to 59days so off to the airport.

When I arrived, I went to a security guard and explained. To be able to enter area, I would need a pass. To get a pass, I had to find the ID building and then wait my turn. After 45min, I was awarded a pass. Off to the arrival and them waiting another 30mim to get the visa explained an processed.

Finally after 6hrs (starting at 8am), I got my visa 21 days changed to 59 AND did not pay a cent expect $10 in taxi transportation from play to place. Praise God!!!!!! He taught me to trust him and not get anxious....even though I really wanted to.

He answers prayer!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is incredible. That really teaches me to not sweat about the small stuff. God definitely is in control of our lives. It simy is amazing when Gid demonstrates His goodness and control over our lives. Sometimes it takes waiting, like you had to do. Other times He pulls through quickly and does not demonstrate the waiting game. Thank you for sharing Natasha.
